sIbOk wrote:

> /etc/conf.d/keymaps
> Código:
> # /etc/conf.d/keymaps
> # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/conf.d/keymaps,v
> 2005/02/19 02:13:53 vapier Exp $
> # Use KEYMAP to specify the default console keymap.  There is a complete tree
> # of keymaps in /usr/share/keymaps to choose from.
> KEYMAP="es euro2"
> #KEYMAP="es"
> please make sure you have read well the post before posting, an thanks
> for your time.
> of course i know that config files have been split... and i also have
> edited them. that's been explained in the first mail. i don't know
> which is the trouble, i've tryed editing them in different ways, it's
> not a howto problem as long as i know how to configure it all without
> reading them. something in keymaps is wrong but don't know what
> neither why because before updating the packages it worked well and
> the setting are teh same. and i have the troubles using unicode and
> iso8859-15
> very strange, thanks for the support, and please don't reply without reading 
> :)

Woa there.  Most of us are just trying to helpful.  IMO it was easy for a speed 
reader to miss that part mixed into your long email.

Did you run etc-update.  I bet that's the problem.

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