Danny Luker wrote:

>Hi all,
>   The other night I did an emerge sync; emerge world -vu and got a
>new and improved version of baselayout.  I screwed up and let
>etc-update clobber all my config files (stupid I know ;() ... anyway,
>I've recovered from it except I can't get wireless working.  It all
>was so simple before.  Even doing it manually was simple but I can't
>get it to connect (associate) with my access points.  Before all this
>I could do it manually by:
># modprobe ath_pci  // using the madwifi drivers on my Thinkpad T40
># ifconfig ath0 netmask up
># route add default gw ath0

Well, nothing in the new baselayout should have prevented your ability
to bring things up manually.  The only thing I can think of that you
might be missing is an "iwconfig ath0 essid 'any'" command.

For bringing things up automatically, the following lines in
/etc/conf.d/net should work:

modules_ath0=( "ifconfig" "iwconfig" )
config_ath0=( " netmask" )
       "default via"

If you need encryption, you will also need to configure
/etc/conf.d/wireless appropriately.  Take a look at
/etc/conf.d/net.example and wireless.example.

If this doesn't help, please post your /etc/conf.d/net and wireless
files.  And also exactly what happens when you try to bring up the
interface manually.


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