
Here's a strange one...

I use 2 partitions for Windows 98, hda1 and hda5. I set both up as type
"c" (fat32 LBA) during my gentoo installation, using fdisk. The entries
in /etc/fstab are almost identical:

/dev/hda1    /mnt/win_c    vfat    umask=0,noexec      0 0
/dev/hda5    /mnt/win_d    vfat    umask=0,noexec      0 0

Yet hda1 mounts with no problems, whereas hda5 doesn't. If I execute
"mount /mnt/win_d" I get the error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5,
       or too many mounted file systems

I tried various combinations (such as "mount -t vfat /dev/hda5
/mnt/win_d") and always get the same error. The only differences between
the 2 partitions that I can think of are:

(a) hda1 is primary whereas hda5 is logical
(b) hda5 is larger than hda1 (20 Gb and 15 Gb, respectively)
(c) hda1 is set as the boot partition in fdisk.

If I type the above error in Google I get many hits, but nothing helped.
Any ideas?

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