Just looking for some opinions here. What is a good approach to installing applications with a minimal amount of optional USE flags enabled? For example, if one were to run `emerge -pv kde-base/kde` you would be presented with many, many dependencies and USE flags. I would prefer to install less upfront and add on later as needed. Doing an `emerge -pv $packagename` then looking through the dependencies and their USE flags each time, to me, doesn't seem like the best method. I took a look at the list of USE flags at http://www.gentoo-portage.com/USE and disabling dozens of them in /etc/make.conf doesn't seem like a great method either. I'm trying to avoid a big, bloated system without going too crazy here. Any suggestions?
       Thank you,

       Vincent A. Primavera.
       Director of Information Technology.
Ralph Pill Electric Supply Co.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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