On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 23:31 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Christoph Eckert schreef:
> >> I checked this per your instructions as well and no it
> >>hasnt cut it off its all on one line. Still no luck im
> >>still just getting the cant open config file on /etc/splash
> >>error and fd0 crap, heh
> Umm... pardon me for asking, but you've said at least twice that an 
> error informs you that splash can't open the config file on 
> /etc/splash-- but you've never said that you checked the config file at 
> /etc/splash to confirm that it 1) exists 2) is readable (permissions, 
> syntax).... does something in or related to /etc/splash (like 
> /etc/conf.d/splash, or in some strange twist of fate, 
> /etc/init.d/splash, in addition to the config file found in each theme 
> folder in /etc/splash itself) have some association with fd0 (the floppy 
> drive) for some reason? Do you even have a floppy drive? Even so, the 
> splash config file certainly won't be found there.

 Yes the files exist and the permissions are right where i should be
able to use them. and the /dev/fb0 and /dev/fb/0 i have no idea wtf they
> The nice thing about Linux is that error messages are in fact 
> meaningful, and often lead directly to a solution. Perhaps you should 
> heed this one a bit more closely.
> Holly


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