KH wrote:
Am 04.05.2010 16:59, schrieb David W Noon:
On Tue, 04 May 2010 11:00:01 +0200, Helmut Jarausch wrote about
[gentoo-user] emerge --update - why doesn't it update my kde packages:

Still, eix confirmed there were quite a lot of kde packages which have
newer versions, and indeed,
emerge -auv1 -j4 --keep-going  $(qlist -IC kde-base/)
upgraded 24 packages.

Where does this discrepancy come from?

I think Portage does not consider packages that are not in your world
file, if the update is on world (or system).

To overcome this, I wrote a little script, called
Here it is:


eix -u | gawk '/^\[U\] / { print $2; }' | xargs -r emerge -v1uD

exit $?

I run it immediately after the main emerge, when I have rsync'ed the
Portage tree.

No. --with-bdeps is not default anymore because it is considered to be a bug if portage updates packages not used in any way. This is only if a package is needed for buildtime.

Program A is version 1.5. To build it, it needs program B which at this time is version 4.7
B is not needed for anything else!

Now there is an update to B-4.9 . Portage will not update B as long as there is no update to A.

B is not in the world file. It is not a runtime dependency nore is it a orphan.


I have with-bdeps set in my make.conf so that it is enabled each time. I just ran the command given above and it found over 40 packages that need to be upgraded. I'm not even going to claim that I understand all the chicken scratch in that command but apparently stuff needed to be upgraded on my system that was being missed.

It appears to do something good even if it is not related to the OPs problem.


:-)  :-)

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