Am 23.05.2010 23:57, schrieb Mick:
> On Sunday 23 May 2010 21:37:58 Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>> Thanks for all your suggestions and help ... sorry for all the noise ...
> Since we were subjected to all this noise (no problem for me, I found the 
> thread interesting, albeit undecipherable!  Pun intended =) can you please 
> explain why a new line breaks the openssl key?

Hm, *I* can't.

AFAI understand: that newline was handled in a different way with
pam_mount-1.33, back then the ssl-decrypted key was fed into cryptsetup
and now that isn't done anymore. Back then the key was modified by
cryptsetup, and now, as cryptsetup isn't in the whole "chain" anymore,
the key is not modified (or at least in another way) so it doesn't fit
the key as it was at creation-time.

That is what I understand, pls correct me, Jan ;-)

> I have an SSL pkcs12 certificate which I am trying to use with kmail and I 
> can't decrypt it no matter what encryption passphrase I set up.

Sorry, no idea.

I suggest you start a new thread for your issue and provide us with more


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