On Tuesday 2010-05-18 23:49, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

>> # ./mount.crypt -vo
>> keyfile=t-crypt.key,fsk_cipher=aes-256-cbc,fsk_hash=md5 /dev/loop94
>> /mnt command: 'readlink' '-fn' '/dev/loop94' command: 'readlink'
>> '-fn' '/mnt' Password: mount.crypt(crypto-dmc.c:144): Using
>> _dev_loop94 as dmdevice name command: 'mount' '-n'
>> '/dev/mapper/_dev_loop94' '/mnt' # df /mnt Filesystem
>> 1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/loop94
>> 62465      5365     53875  10% /mnt
>> Match?
>Frankly: dunno ;-)
>Yes, I am able to follow and understand in general so far ... but ...

Right now it's more a case of "let's do it and compare results"
than having to thoroughly understand when and where cryptsetup
chops off a byte and pads another.

That went fine, up to

># mount the new fs
>mount /dev/mapper/newhome /mnt/gschwind
>all this worked OK so far, but not with pam_mount.

OK, but don't stop there. pam_mount really just ultimatively runs
mount.crypt; and it tells you that it does by means of syslog
(with enabled debug=1 of course).

command: 'mount.crypt' '-ofsk....

And that is what you can run from shell, which eliminates
pam_mount from the path and only leaves the usual suspects.

Keep on it, marine!

>Assuming that "I am too stupid": Where is the how-to-do-it?
>So far the only thing I really understood "You are doing it wrong".
>But where is the "Do it this way and you are safe" ?

was basically it: pmt-ehd and you're safe. Short of the current
...missing feature though, mentioned in that same mail.

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