Mark Knecht wrote:
    I was trying to slog through all the libpng problems on one of my
machines last night but ran into a different issue late in the evening
where cmake wouldn't build. I haven't been reading this list all that
carefully and didn't find anything obvious with a quick Google search.
(Other than some stuff in bugzilla which may or may not relate.)

    Have there been any threads lately where this might have come up?

    There weren't any obvious message on the screen. X isn't working
due to gdm not starting because of libpng and I didn't have a spare
machine to ssh from at the time to really study the build log files.

    I wanted to get back to this problem tonight so I'm just taking a
quick reading on whether there might be some related info out there.


My archives go back a year or so. The only problem I could find was when I had trouble with KDE compiling. It wasn't cmake itself that was failing tho, it was kdelibs.

I also checked my emerge.log and I have updated emerge with no failures so far. You may have to post the error and see if someone can help. Maybe a missing/bad USE flag or something.


:-)  :-)

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