Bill Longman wrote:
As for libpng I've straightened it out on 3 other machines to date,
all 64-bit, but this last machine is causing me fits. Fortunately I
have two of these machines with the same motherboard, processor, VGA.
Only sound is different. The other one worked out OK with libpng so
I'll likely just slog through a comparison, config file by config
file, to find the differences.
I would love to see the 3D scatter plot of "Time spent by Gentoo users
running revdep-rebuild (hrs)" vs. "Package updated" vs. "Date (2000-2010)".

I suspect there would be one HUGE blob in June 2010 where "libpng"
crosses the X axis.

I myself have spent at least an hour on each of the several machines
that I run.

The libpng upgrade cost me about 12 hours or so. Close to 11 for the recompile, WITH NO GUI either. Auggggh.


:-)  :-)

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