Massimiliano Ziccardi writes:

> I'm trying to update my gentoo after a long time.

That tends to be more problematic than regular updates.

> I tried the update (emerge -uD world) but I got some problem about
> conflicting and missing libraries, so I've uninstalled some software.

portage 2.2 may ease these things, it does some automatic blocker 
resolution (does not work always for me, but most of the times). It is 
still masked, but people use it for far over a year now, and I did not 
read about big problems.

> When it tries to emerge xfce4-panel it always gives this error during
> the build process:
> /usr/lib/ No such file or directory
> I tried to re-emerge the libxfce4util package, but with no luck : that
> file do not exists!!!
> Any idea?

Maybe give 'lafilefixer --justfixit' a try? Emerge lafilefixer if you do 
not have it already.

Have you read all he elog messages? They sometimes tell about additional 
manual steps that have to be done.


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