1.) Is there a Map: modules to configration parameters?

"lspci -k" lists me all modules of the running genkernel.
Unfortunately the configuration parameters of the kernel have
different names.

2.) Which approach would you recommend?

To customize the kernel I can either strip down the configuration of
the genkernel or start with an empty .config file.

3.) Is there a concept behind the default settings of make menuconfig
if you start with an empty .config?

I don't see it.

4.)  Is there a concept behind the default settings of make if .config is empty?

Similar question. Running make with an empty .config file starts a
questionary on the shell, with given default settings.

Accepting all defaults doesn't even contain ext2 or ext3 on the one
hand, but a few comparingly rare selections on the other.

5.) Where are my platform specific drivers?

 X86 Platform Specific Device Drivers  --->

I get them if I strip down genkernel.

Now I started with the shell questionary and than I edit the result
with menuconfig. The submenu doesn't open or is empty.


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