On 08/20/2010 11:44 AM, Marc Joliet wrote:
> Am Fri, 20 Aug 2010 07:43:40 -0700
> schrieb Bill Longman <bill.long...@gmail.com>:
> [...]
>> I find it amazing, though, that even if I copy my old .config, it still
>> takes me so much time to make sure all the settings are correct for a
>> given machine. Hasn't anyone come up with a handy
>> look-through-my-lspci-output-and-create-a-skeleton-kernel-config tool?
>> Or does it already exist and we just call him "Pappy"?
> Not really what you want, but somebody thought of something similar. Since
> Linux 2.6.32 you can do:
>       make localmodconfig [1].
> That will take the output of lsmod (so you need an already running kernel,
> e.g., from a live CD) and remove all unnecessary modules from the existing
> kernel .config.
> [1]: see http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_32, section 1.8.

Thanks, Marc.

So, if I boot off the livecd and I have eighty-five sata_ modules and
forty-two RAID modules and 2.5 handsful of various scsi/iscsi modules, I
should probably "modprobe -r" first, all those that aren't applicable to
my given system then run the make? I'll take a look. Thanks again.

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