   I'm wondering if Unison is a good tool for helping me make sure the
two copies of our music library are consistent?

Local: /dev/sda1 mounted at /home/mark/music

Remote: dragonfly:/Musiclib NFS mounted at /mnt/Musiclib

   These two directories started off identical at one point about 4-6
months ago but have been slowly diverging as my wife and I add things
to each one. I'd now like them the get back into sync and keep them
that way.

   One possibly tricky part about this will be that in some cases we
have found bad rips and have reripped files to fix that. In this case
there is going to be a newer file in each either location with the
same name but with a new size & date. Will Unison give me an option to
just accept the newer one in each location and remove or backup the
older one automatically?

   This is likely to be a sort of long process I expect. The
directories are about 50GB of ogg files, although I hope there isn't
that much copying as probably 99% of it is identical.

Thanks in advance,

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