On 7/31/05, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 13:43:16 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> >    One possibly tricky part about this will be that in some cases we
> > have found bad rips and have reripped files to fix that. In this case
> > there is going to be a newer file in each either location with the
> > same name but with a new size & date. Will Unison give me an option to
> > just accept the newer one in each location and remove or backup the
> > older one automatically?
> Unison is particularly good at handling this sort of situation. It keeps
> a log of the file dates each time you sync and asks for manual
> intervention when a file have been updated on both sides since the last
> sync.

Hi Neil,
   OK, so I tried Unison and, twice, it just gets stuck at the same
file. I'm running it like this:

unison /home/mark/music /mnt/Musiclib 

The gui comes up and the program gets started but then it just hangs.
There's no obvious network activity or local disk activity. If I let
the program sit long enough for the screensaver to kick in then when I
unlock the screen the program is just a grey box.

So far I cannot even kill the thing. kill -9 pid or killall -9 unison
act like they killed it but ps aux says the process is still there.
It's even there if I try killing the gui in Gnome. The gui goes away
but the process persists.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


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