On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 12:13:16 +0200
Michael Hampicke wrote:

> > Any caveats with openrc we should be aware of?
> # genlop -l | grep openrc
>      Thu Apr 24 14:05:53 2008 >>> sys-apps/openrc-0.2.2
> I've been running baselayout2/openrc oder 2.5 years now without any
> problems. Of course this does not mean it will run smoothly on your
> gentoo box.
> As I recall upgrading to b2/openrc involves lots of changed config
> files (mostly conf.d init init.d), so you have to be a little careful.

My recollection was of

(1) being scared that I'd get the changes wrong for baselayout2
(2) the changes were easy and went smoothly
(3) no problems!

FWIW, i've been using baselayout2/openrc since August 2008.

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