On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:59:18PM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Apparently, though unproven, at 22:37 on Friday 22 October 2010, Zeerak 
> Mustafa Waseem did opine thusly:
> > > > I understood the future of Openrc within Gentoo to be in question:
> > > > http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_ce55de133ca592b638db758c9e457
> > > > 370.xml
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > An interesting read, until the rants start, we'll just have to wait and
> > > see.
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > Well, there isn't any question as far as whether or not openrc is going to
> > be stabilized, there is however a question of what's going to be put in
> > ~arch afterwards, whether or not to use devicekit or whatever it's called
> > now. I don't have time to find them myself, but check out the two threads
> > named "The future of sys-apps/openrc in Gentoo" and "openrc stabilization
> > update". The general consesus is that for now openrc will be stabilized
> > and the project has been brought back into Gentoo, so the question for now
> > is what the future of ~arch is.
> It's openrc-${PV}+1 - there's no question about that.
> Until someone actually ponies up and commits something other than openrc to 
> the tree, it's gonna stay on openrc.
> I think you misunderstand what ~arch means.

I'll gladly be explained, just in case I should have it wrong. :-)

What I meant however was that there has been talk of starting a migration of 
~arch users to devicekit when it is deemed ready. As far as I remember no 
conclusion was brought to that discussion other than openrc being moved inhouse 
and seeing how that went. So the ball is still in the air as far as openrc and 
a replacement goes, to my understanding.

Zeerak Waseem

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