Apparently, though unproven, at 03:44 on Friday 19 November 2010, Walter Dnes 
did opine thusly:

> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:20:52PM -0600, Dale wrote
> > This is mine and it worked when I rebooted a bit ago.
> > 
> > LABEL=boot        /boot        ext2        noatime        1 2
> > LABEL=root         /        reiserfs    defaults    0 1
> > LABEL=swap        none        swap        sw        0 0
> > LABEL=portage    /usr/portage    ext3        defaults    0 1
> > LABEL=home        /home        reiserfs    defaults    1 1
> > LABEL=data        /data        reiserfs    defaults    0 1
> > 
> > I use a variety of file systems don't I?  lol  I hope that helps.
>   I have my own weird setup that optimizes disk usage, without LVM.  It
> consists of a 256 *MEGA*byte / partition (ext2fs), some swap, and the
> rest of the drive is one big reiserfs3 partition mounted as /home.
> /opt, /var, /usr/, and /tmp physically reside on the big /home
> partition, but are bindmounted into the / partition.
>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sda1               1      121601   976760001    5  Extended
> /dev/sda5               1          33      265009+  83  Linux
> /dev/sda6              34        1209     9446188+  82  Linux swap /
> Solaris /dev/sda7            1210      121601   967048708+  83  Linux
> /dev/sda5               /         ext2     noatime,nodiratime,async       
> 0 1 /dev/sda7               /home     reiserfs
> noatime,nodiratime,async,notail 0 1 /home/bindmounts/opt    /opt      auto
>     bind                            0 0 /home/bindmounts/var    /var     
> auto     bind                            0 0 /home/bindmounts/usr    /usr 
>     auto     bind                            0 0 /home/bindmounts/tmp   
> /tmp      auto     bind                            0 0 /dev/sda6          
>     none      swap       sw                            0 0

Let me optimize that for you a little bit more:

A single 1T reiser3 partition mounted at /

This will optimize away the small performance loss introduced by that (empty) 
/ on ext2

Seriously dude, this looks like a dumb scheme that gives you warm and fuzzies 
but doesn't actually accomplish anything except increased complexity.

Feel free to publish verifiable metrics to back up your case.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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