On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 10:04:10AM -0800, Keith Dart wrote:
> I had previously used method 3, with an entry in my ~/.Xdefaults for
> it, that worked fine. It stopped for some reason with this new version.
> I suspect they may have removed the "hacks" they talked about and now
> depend on a properly functioning window manager. I am using xfwm4 with
> compositing enabled. Setting the property now works with it.

If that were indeed the case (that they are forcing migration away
from pseudotransparency and into real transparency), then it'd have
been nice if the +/-tr tags throw some error text rather than just 
being silently ignored. 


Willie W. Wong                                     ww...@math.princeton.edu
Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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