On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Keith Dart <ke...@dartworks.biz> wrote:

> === On Sat, 11/20, Willie Wong wrote: ===
> > If that were indeed the case (that they are forcing migration away
> > from pseudotransparency and into real transparency), then it'd have
> > been nice if the +/-tr tags throw some error text rather than just
> > being silently ignored.
> ===
> I did some experimenting. It seems the newest version has the
> copy-background-to-pixmap method overriding true transparency if that
> is set by the resources. That's the opposite of the way it used to be,
> but otherwise works. I just had to remove the other background
> settings, such as .inheritPixmap and .tintColor, and it works again.
> I'm afraid I do not quite understand how to make it work, removed all
transparency settings in Xresources already.
I review the source code and found nothing special, no
copy-background-to-pixmap method or the like.


> -- Keith Dart
> --
> -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Keith Dart <ke...@dartworks.biz>
>   public key: ID: 19017044
>   <http://www.dartworks.biz/>
>   =====================================================================

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