
>  unfortunately I had to change my motherboard (the replacement is
>  exactly the same model/type of the previous on).
>  I booted the new board and: NO Lan. Eth0 dead it seems.
>  It took me several long minutes before I found the following
>  line in dmesg's log:
>         udev: renaming etho to eth1
>  There is only the onboard lan chip and no extra ethernet
>  card is installed in the rig.
>  Now I have eth1 and no eth0.
>  Why does this happen? What is the reason for that?

The reason is that the system wants to keep the devices as they are. If you 
add a 2nd network card, you'd probably like to keep eth0 as it is.

But there's an easy solution for you: Remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-
persistent-net.rules and reboot.


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