On 12/4/10, meino.cra...@gmx.de <meino.cra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
>  unfortunately I had to change my motherboard (the replacement is
>  exactly the same model/type of the previous on).
>  I booted the new board and: NO Lan. Eth0 dead it seems.
>  It took me several long minutes before I found the following
>  line in dmesg's log:
>         udev: renaming etho to eth1
>  There is only the onboard lan chip and no extra ethernet
>  card is installed in the rig.
>  Now I have eth1 and no eth0.
>  Why does this happen? What is the reason for that?

Most likely they have different MACs, and there is already a udev rule
binding the old mobo's NIC's MAC to eth0. Thus, the new one received
next in sequence (eth1), and will receive it forevermore until you
edit the automatically created udev rules.

See and edit the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. I
think you could just nuke the entire file, and everything should be
re-identified and numbered correctly, but I edited it manually when I
last faced a mobo/NIC change.

Arttu V.

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