On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 10:50:17AM -0400, Michael Crute wrote:
> At the expense of sounding like an "Elitist Chowderhead" I kind of agree 
> with Chris. I'm fairly new to Gentoo (but not to Linux). I came from Fedora 
> and must say that personally Gentoo makes way more sense and pisses me off 
> far less than any RedHat distro. But that said I would never recommend 
> Gentoo to a noob unless they where just as geeky as I. I would rather see 
> normal people use distros like Mandriva and Linspire then graduate to Gentoo 
> when and if they are ready than to have them start at Gentoo then get pissed 
> off at their own inability to make the thing work and go back to Windoze. 
> Just my $0.02, take it for what it's worth.
> -Mike

I disagree. I think we should pit people first against OpenBSD, then
FreeBSD, then Gentoo Linux, then Debian, then SuSE, then
Fedora/Mandrake... which ever one they manage to install on the first
try (of course, following a manual) should be they one they start

Of course, a sadistic bastard like myself (and since I am speaking
from experience, probably also masochistic) should have no say in this
matters. q=

I kid of course. I have had at least UserLand experience with RedHat
and Solaris before I installed a *nix system on my own computer. With
a manual in hand, even the BSDs were quite easy to set up.
Unfortunately a BIOS bug in my IBM Thinkpad means that openbsd killed
it for good (or at least until a complete system wipe). 

But seriously, I don't see really problems with n00bs using Gentoo as
a starter distro, so long as the said n00bs knows the power of


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