On 02/28/2011 06:39 AM, Mick wrote:
> On 28 February 2011 11:26, dhk <dhk...@optonline.net> wrote:
>> Thanks for all the input.  It helped clear up a lot of questions.  I
>> spent the weekend installing to Operating Systems and it looks like it
>> almost worked.  I think the problem is in the Grub setup, so it should
>> be repairable once I find the mistake.  If it's something else, I may be
>> doing this again next weekend.
>> Thanks again,
>> dhk
> What error does it give you?
> PS. Are you chainloading Gentoo from the MSWindows boot manager, or
> MSWindows from GRUB?

I did everything in Grub and haven't touched the MS Windows partitions
since the initial install.

The problem looks like Grub and some other stuff.  Can't boot to Windows
or Linux.  It looks like the Grub menu never comes up.  However, it
seems to know about it, because the menu options can still gets executed
either after the time out or by pressing Enter.  Then some stuff gets
printed to the screen and the boot process begins, but it errors before
the Operating Systems come up.  When trying to boot to Windows, I have
no idea why it errors.  When trying to boot to Linux, the fsck.ext3
fails on /dev/sda7 which is my root partition.  It seems to think it's
ext2, but when I checked (by booting to the livecd) with tune2fs -j it
says it's already journaling.  After the boot fails and I give the root
password, I looked in /dev and there aren't any sda partitions and I
have 12 on the disk.  My disk looks like the following.

Filesystem           ~Size Mounted
/dev/sda1             128M MS Windows 7 boot partition - HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2              50G MS Windows 7 - HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3             512M /boot - ext2
/dev/sda4             extended partition
/dev/sda5             512M swap
/dev/sda6               5G FAT32
/dev/sda7              12G / - ext3
/dev/sda8              50G LVM2 - ext3
/dev/sda9              50G LVM2 - ext3
/dev/sda10             50G LVM2 - ext3
/dev/sda11             50G LVM2 - ext3
/dev/sda12             50G LVM2 - ext3
/dev/mapper/vg-usr      8G /usr
/dev/mapper/vg-home     5G /home
/dev/mapper/vg-opt      3G /opt
/dev/mapper/vg-var      2G /var
/dev/mapper/vg-tmp      1G /tmp


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