J. Roeleveld wrote:
On Fri, April 8, 2011 11:01 pm, Dale wrote:
root@fireball / #

I'm still trying to figure out how the naming part works tho.  Now to
mount it and put something on it.  See if it works.
Naming part, there are 2 ways of finding it.
1: /dev/<VolumeGroupName>/<LogicalVolumeName>
2: /dev/mapper/<VolumeGroupName>-<LogicalVolumeName>

You included a "-" in your VG-name, this is replaced with "--" under

Let me know if something doesn't look right.  Otherwise, I'll keep
playing around with it.
Looks fine so far, don't forget to put a filesystem on "/dev/sdb-vg/test"
to be able to mount it somewhere :)


The naming I was talking about was sort of like a label. I wanted to use test, where I might use say data in real use, but ended up with this:

root@fireball / # df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
<< SNIP >>
                      51606140    184268  48800432   1% /mnt/temp
root@fireball / #

I don't mind the sdb--vg part tho. I guess that sort of points to what all is needed to get to that point. Might come in handy if I needed to remove something tho. Sort of tells me what is what.

I did try to mount it before putting a file system on it. I sort of missed that part somewhere. I knew it needed it, just forgot to do it. Mount sort of puked on my keyboard to remind me. lol

Whew !! Progress. Oh, someone posted a link to a site that had pictures. That helped a good bit. It needed more detail tho. I'm going to do some google image searches and see what I can find.

Thanks much.


:-)  :-)

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