Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Thu, 07 Apr 2011 15:21:33 +0200, Joost Roeleveld wrote:

I think Dale will probably succeed in breaking it :)

Dale, this comment isn't meant as an insult. I honestly think you would
be perfect for some QA or Testing job :)
But not on any project you wanted to finish on time ;-)

Joost, I see your point. This is my life saying. If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. I hope for the best but expect the worst. You should see my dining room. Full of food stuff just in case. After my last visit to the grocery store, I'm thinking I may not have enough yet. o_O I also have a generator and some gas stored too. I also have a big garden to grow food as well. I may be disabled but I ain't stupid. I just try to keep the bad things that can happen in the back of my mind and keep a plan going, just in case it does hit the fan.

I'm sort of wanting to use this as a learning experience. If I can get things set up, working and understand what the heck things do, then I may try some more stuff. Right now, my light bulb is pretty dim on LVM. I don't understand how it works and what the heck those commands do. I'll have my light bulb moment eventually. Since I don't have the new drive ordered yet, I got time to read, listen and try to grasp it all.

Just a old dog trying to learn new tricks.  lol


:-)  :-)

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