On 2 June 2011 15:32, Alain DIDIERJEAN <alain.didierj...@free.fr> wrote:
> ----- Mail Original -----
> De: "Alain DIDIERJEAN" <alain.didierj...@free.fr>

> Hope I can get some help
> ----- Mail Original ----- ends here
> SOLVED, after unmerging then re-emerging a little more than 300 packages. 
> Compile took the whole night. A heavy task, but finally everything seems 
> working. Thanks fot the help, folks,

Glad you sorted out this upgrade.  :-)

You may notice that some USE flags are no longer set/unset and as a
result when you run emerge --depclean a number of packages will want
to unmerge themselves (e.g. krdc, okteta, etc)

You'll need to adjust your flags accordingly if you wish to keep these
packages and run emerge -uaNDv world.


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