On Thursday 09 June 2011 11:52:42 Ignas Anikevicius wrote:
> Hello list,
> I was wondering if it is possible to have a tool with which it would be
> possible to have external modules installed for _all_ kernel versions in
> my computer. Now I am using 2.6.38 kernel, but would like to try 2.6.39
> and the thing is that I would like to have tp_smapi and phc-intel
> modules in both kernels. Is it possible to have it without any serious
> hacking?
> I have only 3 ideas how I could achieve that:
> * Making a custom ebuild, which would build the modules, but install
> itself as a different package depending on the kernel version (eg
> tp_smapi-2.6.39-gentoo)?
> * Making a custom ebuild, which would build the modules for all kernel
> versions in one go... (is this possible?)
> * patching the gentoo-sources each time.
> Is any of these solutions sensible?
> Cheers,
> Ignas

why not emerging them several times with linux pointing to the different 

I that does not work:
ebuild .... unpack
ebuild .... compile
ebuild .... install
cp .ko from image directory to modules directory
depmod -ae


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