Paul Hartman wrote:
See Pandu's latest message in this thread. Once you enable it like he
showed, it'll work like this:

# eselect<pressed tab twice here>
bashcomp       boost          ctags          fontconfig     java-vm
     locale         news           pager          python         usage
binutils       --brief        editor         help           kernel
     mesa           --no-colour    pinentry       rc
version        wxwidgets
blas           cblas          env            java-nsplugin  lapack
     modules        opengl         profile        ruby           vi

Oh. Ohhhhh!!! NEATO. Now to remember I can do this the next time I can't remember the name of a module. lol

Double neato ! It works after each option too. Holy crap. OK. We need to start a thread and list all the NEATO things like this that others may not know about. Sound like a idea?


:-)  :-)

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