On Sat, Jul 02, 2011 at 03:14:38PM -0700, Grant wrote:
> After a frustrating experience with a Linksys WRT54GL, I've decided to
> stick with Gentoo routers.  This increases the number of Gentoo
> systems I'm responsible for and they're nearing double-digits.  What
> can be done to make the management of multiple Gentoo systems easier?
> I think identical hardware in each system would help a lot but I'm not
> sure that's practical.  I need to put together a bunch of new
> workstations and I'm thinking some sort of server/client arrangement
> with the only Gentoo install being on the server could be appropriate.

I maintain multiple Gentoo we mostly use as KVM hosts systems (and
coming embedded routers). As KVM hosts, some of them are very sensible.
Due to the contracts to our customers, I have to do with various update
strategies on top of various hardware.

I've set up a private Gentoo mirror in order to follow updates nicely
(all customers want to update slowly). Well, it's not a true mirror. To
be able to upgrade old systems, I do "private" releases of Gentoo
approximately once a month. A full mirror of all releases would be too
much data. So, I only fetch portage tree and packages from a list I
maintain manually (emerge sucks at that game, by the way). Data is
stored on a nilfs filesystem to improve snapshots size on disk.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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