Grant wrote:

> My motherboard is getting flaky and it's time for a new one.  I have
> an AMD 6000+ CPU, 4GB DDR2/800 RAM, 2TB SATA2 HD, Blu-Ray burner, PCI
> wireless card, 400W power supply, and ATX case.  I could replace any
> of these components if it's worthwhile for some new feature, but I may
> as well keep them if it's not.

You'll probably keep the HDD, Blu-Ray drive and the wireless card for the 
new system. It's better to replace your PSU. For example :

They'll all do the job, different brands, models and prices. 

If you're not going to sell the old CPU and memory modules you can buy a 
mobo and keep it as a backup PC :

You'll need a new chassis if you decide to keep these old parts.

> The most important thing is reliability and Linux compatibility but I
> also need HDMI and I figure USB 3.0 is a good idea.  The system is for
> playing music and movies, no gaming whatsoever.  If you're familiar
> with the current hardware scene, where would you go from here as far
> as a motherboard and other components?  Any features a Gentoo'er
> should look for?

Plenty to choose. HDMI is nearly in every motherboard with onboard video. 
There are many ways to go, I picked the AM3+ way and with some excessive 
spending for the motherboard :

Not economical but I like the look and the quality of this one. For the 

A cheap option, but should be enough and instead of paying big bucks for 
6-cores etc, wait for the bulldozer. For memory :

8 GB should be good for a long time. With this board you'll need a 
discrete video card. This one should do the job :

Fanless, so some ventilation is needed. I went full AMD. Good luck.

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