On 2011-07-04 22:32, Grant wrote:

> That's the FM1 socket, right?  I only see two FM1 CPUs on newegg.com


> right now.  They're quad-core and 100W.  I guess the advantage there
> is they have graphics on the CPU.  A 65W CPU would be better but when
> it comes out I suppose.

Yes, since a htpc doesn't need a powerful cpu (or a powerful gpu) I
would wait for the low power version. Acc. to Wikipedia the A6-3600/3800
should be released (30th of June) so it shouldn't take long for Newegg
to get them? I guess you could always ask them...

My thinking is this: A htpc doesn't need a powerful cpu/gpu combo but if
you're running Gentoo on it, and planning to do the compiling on the
machine itself, it's still nice to have a few cores available. If you
are patient or can do cross-compiling (I haven't actually tried these
myself) on another machine there are even lower power alternatives
(Intel Atom, AMD Fusion):



Haven't looked at the details, just did quick search...

Well, I guess you could find even lower power alternatives as well...
ARM maybe? But that's another story!

Best regards

Peter K

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