walt writes:

[interrupted emerges]

> That's when I use ebuild instead of starting the emerge from scratch.
> Let's say I'm emerging libreoffice and the machine goes down (shudder).
> After fixing the problem I would try the following:
> #cd /usr/portage/app-office/libreoffice/
> #ebuild ./libreoffice-3.3.3.ebuild install
> That should pick up where the previous emerge stopped, although the
> patches may be reapplied before continuing the compile/install phase.
> But, hold on.  The "install" phase does only a temporary install in
> the portage build directory, not the 'real' install in /usr.
> That final step is very easy, though:
> #ebuild ./libreoffice-3.3.3.ebuild qmerge

I like to do this, too. But I use
    FEATURES=keepwork emerge libreoffice
in cases where an emerge was aborted.

Although Neil may have a point when he says that an unclean shutdown could 
have corrupted things. I was under the impression that with a journaling 
file system this should be safe, but I do not know much bout this.

Remember to remove the $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/portage/<category>/<package> 
directory afterwards, with FEATURES=keepwork stuff there is neither removed 
before nor after emerging.


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