On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 16:46:25 -0400
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The only simple answer I have is this one: if it is so simple, then it
> would work this way.
> It isn't. If I am wrong (and, of course, that is possible), someone
> will come out and do it, and you guys will be able to keep your
> separated /usr and no initramfs.
> But I really don't think so. But, please, prove me wrong. I would
> certainly be interesting to see another solution.

It already works that way.

I'd be interested in reading the same literature you appear to have
read that convinced you on how this stuff will work in the future.
Nothing I have read has convinced me so far. I conclude you have read
something I haven't. Got a link? 

Alan McKinnnon

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