On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 11:13:58 -0400
Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Have you *ever* thought about machines, that are not x86 or x86_64?
> > Here's an intersting read:
> > http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/72769  
> No, I haven't thought about them, because I don't use them. What it
> has to do with anything?

Linux runs on many many many more arches than just x86 and amd64. IIRC
it's about 29 in total.

Do you agree that the needs and requirements of all those other arches
might be important to everything else?

You keep mentioning "it will all work if you just use an initramfs".
Did it occur to you that that statement is the entire problem and
demonstrates the problem nicely? I do not have an initramfs, do not
need one, see no need to have one and have not yet seen a valid
technical reason for why having one is ideal. My gentoo systems do not
run binary distros, I have no need for a generic mechanism designed to
cope with any hardware Fedora might happen to find itself booting on,
hardware that the devs have no idea of when they compile their distros.
I, on the other hand, already know everything I need to know about my
hardware for the purposes of booting, running udev and building a valid
kernel that fits my needs.

Tell me again what it is that validly requires me to switch to some new
way of doing things?

Alan McKinnnon

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