David W Noon wrote:
On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 16:07:23 -0500, Dale wrote about Re:
[gentoo-user] /dev/sda* missing at boot:

Mick wrote:
On Sunday 11 Sep 2011 19:56:48 Dale wrote:

I always have /boot on a separate partition and it is always ext2.
So, that is done.  I also have a 200Mb /boot partition.  It
sometimes gets about half full but I could just clean out old
kernels more often.  I could always make /boot larger too.
It seems that I'm gonna have fun with a 35M /boot soon (and no LVM
of course). ;-)
I'm doing some thinking and reading.  I'm either going to go back to
a rpm based thing and let something besides me deal with the init*
IMO, better to use Debian or Slackware.  I went through "RPM Hell" back
in the days when I ran S.u.S.E. (complete with full-stops in the name)
and I will never go back.

If I decide to switch, I'll do like I did before Gentoo. Just read and see what best suites my needs. I do hate the RPM stuff tho. The updates for Mandrake was a nightmare.

or stick around and dive into this init* crap and add LVM on
Watch this space.  You might read something to your advantage in the
next few days.

O_O Both eyes wide open and watching. I'm hoping to get new glasses in the next few days. My post count may go up then. lol I may be a turbo charged chatter box. ROFL

/boot would be the only thing not on LVM.
Well, /boot cannot be on LVM, as the BIOS does not know about logical

I knew there was a reason I had to do that. Sometimes I know something but not the reason behind it.

This makes me
nervous as heck tho. I have read where if something goes wrong, you
can lose everything.
It's no worse than a normal partitioning system, just more flexible.
[Of course, that also means that it is more flexible for you to destroy
your DASD farm yourself.]

When I was reading about problems with LVM, I think it was mostly a lack of experience in the repair process. Basically, something went wrong, typed in the wrong command and it got messy from there. It wasn't LVM itself but the clueless geek in the chair. That may be me before to long. :/

I'm hoping I can make mine simple enough that I
can manage any problems even if I can get no outside help.  From what
I have read, usually it's when you can't figure out how to fix it
that you lose everything.
Same as partitions: just keep backups.

I have some scripts that generate LVM rebuild scripts.  These scan the
current logical volumes and generate lvcreate commands into a script
that can rebuild your LVM set-up in seconds.  You (or anybody else) are
welcome to a copy if you wish.

After that, back up the contents using tar, dar, cpio or whatever your
favourite archiving tool happens to be.

I generally backup my /etc and world file on a USB stick. I also have a backup of my scripts in /root somewhere around here. I don't have enough space to backup everything tho. Before DSL came along, I could backup to DVD-RWs from time to time but not now. DSL is addictive. lol

I'm hoping to find a 2 or 3Tb drive one day. I can have a partition for back up and some data too. If I get a faster DSL package, I may need two of those drives.

Looking forward to the new info you are working on.


:-)  :-)

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