On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Joost Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, September 15, 2011 11:03:09 AM Michael Mol wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Joost Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org>
> wrote:
>> The problem with this is that you now need to manage synchronization
>> between the kernel event processor and the action processor, which is
>> actually more complicated than keeping them together in a
>> single-threaded, single-process scenario.
> I don't agree. Why does this need to be synchronized?
> The kernel puts events in the new-dev-event-queue that process 1 picks up.
> process 1 creates the /dev-entrie(s) and, if there is an action to be taken,
> puts the action in the new-action-event-queue.
> Process 2 will then pick up this action from the new-action-event-queue and
> will process this.
> If, as a side-effect, of the action processed by process 2, a new device
> appears for the kernel, the kernel will simply put a corresponding event in
> the new-dev-event-queue.
> At which state does this need to be synchronized?
> We can simply use a pipe-device as, for instance, used for syslog?

Let's assume that you have a single-reader, single-writer scenario,
and that either the protocol includes a 'record end' marker, or that
protocol messages are all of a fixed length and are written
atomically. With that out of the way, I don't know. Perhaps no
additional synchronization is necessary.

You still have a problem with race conditions. Virtually all scripts
I've read and written assume a single-threaded environment, but you've
defined a two-threaded environment.

Here's a potential scenario:

1) A kernel hotplug event comes in when a device is inserted.
2) keventler catches the hotplug event, creates the device node,
queues an action event.
3) actionhandler catches the action event, launches the script.
4) The action handler script is still running for the plug-in event,
when A kernel hotplug event comes in indicating the device was
removed. keventler catches the new hotplug event, removes the device
5) --the scheduler comes around and resumes working on the action
handler script. Or perhaps the action handler script was on a
different CPU core, and never needed to be unscheduled. The device
node it was expecting to be there just disappeared out from under it,
violating one of its assumptions, and putting it in an inconsistent
state. The inconsistency might occur in a place the script author
expected it, or the inconsistency might have occurred in an unexpected
place. One presumes the script author didn't sign up to deal with
concurrency issues in a bash or python script.
6) keventler  registers a new action event, for actioning on the disconnect.
7) actionhandler picks up this new action event, runs the script.
Kudos to the script author for thinking ahead to have a shutdown
script properly clean up an inconsistent system state left by the
partially failed setup script.

Steps 3-5 are a classic example of a race condition, and stem from two
active threads operating concurrently. Entire programming languages
are developed with the core intent of reducing the programmer's need
to worry about such things.

You _must not_ change the operating environment of a script out from under it.

In bash scripts, this is an extraordinarily common pattern:

if [ -d $SOME_PATH ]; then
  // do something

That's common and accepted; nobody expects a shell script to fail in a
scenario like that, because it's is a single-threaded language, and
that's been true since its inception. When something keventler does
causes the result of "[ -d $SOME_PATH ]" to change after the test had
already been done, then the script is only broken because
keventler/actionhandler broke it, not because the script was badly

I've really got to get back to working on stuff I'm being paid for.
I'll chat with you guys this weekend. I'm very interested in helping
with a reasoned critical perspective, so if this wanders over to a new
mailing list or discussion environment, drop me an invite.


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