On 2011-09-18 14:56, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> And he's using Audacious - a fork of a gigantic bug nest (mms) .
> According to his earlier post, it forces dbus to run.

Xmms, I believe it's called. And it's been working fine for quite a
while (I've actually have never encountered a bug with Audacious), for
me. Now, when I upgraded to 2.4.x dbus was forced on me (well, that and
Xfce4)... I'm used to Audacious because I like the simple interface
(non-gtk+). But if you have another player you would like to recommend
I'll gladly try it. Requirements: no gconf/gnome/udev/udisk(etc.)
dependency (only sane dependencies like libogg/flac etc., possibly gtk
or qt for ui but nothing else), simple UI (like Audacious legacy mode),
no singin' and dancing crap (simplicity over "features")...

> Now, that can hardly be dbus's fault if some other app has a hardcoded
> RUNTIME dep on dbus. The fault lies entirely with Audacious, not with
> dbus.

I fully agree to that last sentiment, which is why I'm whining... I
thought that was what we were doing here? ;-)
But to be fair, it's actually Xfce4 that starts dbus-daemon/launch (I
haven't started Audacious yet and I always turn off my computer when not
in use).

Best regards

Peter K

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