On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 05:59:57PM +0200, Florian Philipp wrote

> You cannot use labels with the root= parameters. That was provided as
> some kind of hack a few years ago but has been removed since. You either
> need to use an initramfs for labels or resort to UUIDs. See
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=b5af921ec02333e943efb59aca4f56b78fc0e100

  Thanks.  I had asked earlier in the thread if there are situations
where I can use one, but not the other.  Given your answer, I'll go with
UUID for future installs.  That answers the question for fstab.  BTW, I
did some Google research and found that LILO can boot with UUID.  See...
The important thing to note is...
- do *NOT* use root configuration option; e.g. "root=blah_blah_blah"
- instead, specify root in the append line; e.g...
  append = "video=640x480 root=blah_blah_blah"

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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