On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 17:47,  <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:

----- >8 snip

> 3) In the bootloader append line, include "init=/sbin/linuxrc" where
>   the file /sbin/linuxrc consists of *AT LEAST*...
> #!/sbin/busybox ash
> mount -t proc proc /proc
> mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
> exec /sbin/init
>   This should be enough for most users.  If you have an unusual setup,
>   you may need additional stuff in there.  If you're using lilo remember
>   to re-run lilo to implement the changes.

----- >8 snip

BTW, "which busybox" returns /bin/busybox instead of /sbin/busybox

In other words, all this time /sbin/linuxrc *didn't* run on my boxen,
but the kernel is smart enough to "run with the defaults", whatever
that is (I forgot to write down the exact error message in dmesg).

After fixing the hashbang line, I can now insert the line "mount -o
remount,rw /" at the 2nd line...

... and I no longer have the two red asterisks! Yay!!

FdS Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

 • LOPSA Member #15248
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