On Thursday 08 Dec 2011 05:45:12 Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 07:11:53PM +0000, Mick wrote:
> > Thankfully eselect news spells it out and this link makes me thing twice
> > about
> > 
> > my next steps:
> >   http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/KDEPIM-4.7_upgrade
> > 
> > Following Alan's disastrous experience where he saw all his messages
> > disappear before his eyes I am doubly cautious.
> > 
> > Has anyone tried the migration to 4.7 yet?
> > 
> > Only to make things slightly more complicated ... has anyone tried it
> > who's been using sqlite3 like I do, instead of the recommended MySQL?
> > 
> > Any gotchas other than backups of everything recommended in the news
> > article?
> I installed my first 4.7.x kdepim on 30th of July. I was quite happy with
> it. Migration went smooth and I only had to recreate my filters, I guess
> because the filters’ target folders were now addressed differently.
> kdepimlibs-4.7.3 came on 4th of november. The only thing I remember from
> the last weeks is that I was unable to read any mail. All I got in KMail
> were revolving cirlces and “Fetching folder content” screens. I didn’t
> lose any mail, as far as I can tell. But I was growing tired of Akondi
> even before that. So being unable to read anything finally pushed me to
> mutt. ^^

Oh dear!  I better get prepared for learning all the mutt shortcuts then?

> I don’t have _that_ many mails, at the time of my switching about 13000 or
> so, mostly in a few mailing lists. The average dev probably has much more
> than that. But even with that number, I had more than 30 seconds of
> additional full HDD load after login (once I removed the mail resources,
> login time until idle went from 1:05 to ~33 seconds). 

What?!!  Each time you load the desktop/start kmail?!  This can't be right!

> Plus, all mail files
> were individually duplicated in the Akonadi folder... what gives? While I
> understand the reasoning behind Akonadi and its potential, I do question
> the implementation.

I can't even understand the reasoning!  Enforcing a database backend on a 
desktop use case should not be the default solution for a PIM.  Those who want 
it/need it should be given the choice to opt in and complicate their lives, 
bloat their boxen and lose the ability to read their messages ...  o_O

For the rest of us it was working fine as it was.  :p

> I might try it again in 4.8, but right now I’m keeping my hands off.
> That’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but I just couldn’t resist.

Depressing news.  :-(

Thanks for sharing.

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