On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:12:39 +0000
Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:12:43 +0000, Mick wrote:
> > > Not that Google's profiling of individual's information is that
> > > hot anyway. Last year they approached me about a job for which I
> > > am completely unqualified - and not just because it meant getting
> > > out of bed before 9am :-O  
> > 
> > Ha, ha!  A very nice lady approached me too (admitted to having
> > harvested my address from the Gentoo M/L) but run away when I told
> > her that the only way I would share my CV details with Google would
> > be via a person to person meeting in their London offices and the
> > amount of income I would expect for a job there.
> My first reaction was, why would Google need a CV from me, surely they
> already know more about me than my mother does? Clearly they don't.
> At first I thought it was some type of scam, but several checks
> confirmed that it was a valid approach and I ended up speaking to
> them by phone, at a time that put them in California.

I've been contacted, and interviewed by phone, by Google TWICE. Both
times the person said straight up they read gentoo-users <shrug>

Turns out this list and local LUGs are by far the best way to find good
Linux talent. You can't hide where you are really at anymore after
posting here for a few months

Alan McKinnnon

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