On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 08:29:26PM +0100, Andrea Conti wrote:
> > PS: If you know how to get rid of any background image, could you
> > say how?
> Remove or comment out any "splashimage" directives from the config file.
> ***
> Re grub2: as long as grub0 works, I really don't care if grub2 is
> better, cleaner, shinier, more modern or anything else.
> I don't need a freakin' whole OS to boot linux, and having a
> configuration that is so convoluted that it *has to* be generated by
> running a set of scripts makes no sense at all. I thought the days of m4
> and sendmail.cf were over a long time ago...
> I am sure grub2 can be made to work, but for a piece of software as
> vital as a boot loader, that level of complexity in my opinion is
> totally unreasonable and impossible to justify.
> andrea

You have a point. I'm sure grub or something like it, will be developed as
an alternative to grub2, just as various alternative DM's are. As for me, I
don't really care, just as long as I can boot the damn kernel by typing a
few commands at a grub prompt, I'm happy. ;)


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