On Thu, Feb 16 2012, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 21:31:02 -0500, Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>> That's it!  I had collision-protect in make.conf.  I just now removed it
>> and indeed emerge --info shows protect-owned.  I have an emerge of
>> libreoffice running now.  But hope tomorrow to be able to retry the
>> nvidia-drivers emerge and see if it goes through.
> There's no reason why you can't do it while the LO emerge is still
> running.

First, let me report success (I ran the emerge of nvidia-drivers after
LO finished and it worked fine) and thanks.

I didn't realize that I could run emerges together.
The emerge of LO was the penultimate merge coming from an
    emerge update world
(the last was LO-l10n)
While this LO merge was in progress could I have safely started another
    emerge update world

I am guessing the point is that, since the running emerge was
essentially just LO, it was safe to run the nvidia-drivers emerge since
there are no shared dependencies.  Is emerge by some chance clever
enough that you can always start an update world, while one is running?

thanks again,


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