Mark Knecht writes:

> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Alex Schuster <>
> wrote:

> > How can I find out in such a case which processes are waiting
> > for I/O? top showed nothing.
> iotop is your friend.

I had called it, but didn't spot the problem there. I don't remember
exactly what the output was, I had expected to see some process show a
large value in the IO column, but that was not the case. I THINK! Various
processes appeared, mostly Akonadi stuff.

I should have logged this, I don't remember this s well. I have caught
some illness, and had fever, which did not help my memory. There were
some kworker processes listed on top, but I don't remember whether in
iotop or in top.

Hmm. Now I just started Akonadi again, and get a lot I/O in iotop, and
xosview again shows much iowait CPU activity for a while. But that calmed
down after a minute.

> I'll write more when I get some time to think

Thanks :)


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