Paul Hartman writes:

> I wonder if you copy the movie to /dev/shm first (so disk I/O is not
> an issue) does it still have problems? At least this can potentially
> eliminate disk I/O as the cause if something else weird is going on.
> :)

Yes, this helps. As does copying the movie to another partition than that
on which I to the I/O with my dd if=/dev/zero of= command. If I dd to
this partition, tough, it happens again.

> For the problem of massive amounts of RAM consumed, that's strange.

It's been so for years... but with 16 G of RAM it's no longer an issue.
Well, unless this weird problem happened wth parallel emerges on tmpfs. It
doesn't happen every time though.

> Are you compiling debug symbols? That can make the RAM usage (in
> linking especially) explode...

No. I sometimes enable it, but only when I hunt a bug and want to produce
better bug reports.
And even if the emerge would need very much memory, shouldn't this be
taken from the 8 G of caches being used, instead of starting to swap?


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