On 23/02/12 21:42, Michael Mol wrote:
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Nikos Chantziaras<rea...@arcor.de>  wrote:
On 23/02/12 12:44, Mick wrote:
The irony is that older boxen which would benefit most from building from
source are constrained in resources to achieve this and have to resort to
installing bin packages.

I doubt that the bin package will be slower than the one compiled from
source.  I predict the reverse, in fact.  The bin package will perform

That seems a strange prediction. What drives that hunch?

The PGO optimized build that Mozilla is shipping. You can also build with PGO from source, but that means building FF *twice* in a row (by enabling the "pgo" USE flag). I doubt that with the old laptop anyone is building FF twice with PGO, and that means that the -bin package should be faster.

Furthermore, FF is build using its own CFLAGS. They are the same in the source build as well as in the -bin package. The only difference is probably the -march option. And that doesn't make much difference to begin with (after -march=i686, gains are very minimal).

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