It generates Assembler code.
When you use the -c parameter you can have a look at the generated code.
You always need fasm to compile your program.

Am Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 11:30 schrieb Frank Schafer:
> further questions / info.
> Seems PureBasic is a direct dependency for all programs "compiled" with
> it. They will probably use the shared library which comes with
> PureBasic.
> I wonder ...
> There is a static library amongst the PureBasic binary too. Maybe
> PureBasic "compiles" the way VisualBasic up to version 5 did. Making a
> data block from the source leaving the source itself intact, linking a
> library with a small starting code (the interpreter) letting the
> executable interpreting the data block inside itself.
> ... that would stand for real speed ... interpreting ...
> Further 0,02$
> Frank
> On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 10:25 +0200, Frank Schafer wrote:
> > right, and that means we have to study PB's syntax ... what I'm doing
> > just now if I have some time.
> >
> > PB itself is probably written in C. A compiler with less than 140kB IMHO
> > isn't written in C++.
> >
> > BTW: Have a look at ``strings pbcompiler | more''!
> > It's VEEEEEERY interesting. Seems pbcompiler simply maps BASIC
> > instructions to assembler mnemonics.
> >
> > :-)))
> >
> > On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 11:09 +0300, Matan Peled wrote:
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > > Frank Schafer wrote:
> > > > I think SDL has an API, don't you think too?
> > > > ;)
> > >
> > > Well, of course. But it wasn't used before, rather PureBasic's one was
> > > used.
> > >
> > > Now we need to use that API (Thats what I meant by "Talking to SDL"...)
> > >
> > > - --
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