On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Mol wrote:
>> To the OP.  I would use dracut.  I ran into trouble but I found out
>> later that a earlier attempt at a init thingy was causing the dracut
>> init thingy to mess up.  I strongly suspect that if I had known to get
>> rid of the previous attempt, it would have worked the first time.  My
>> previous attempt was the one that was built into the kernel itself.
>> Lets just say there was a huge fight and I missed it.  Grub was telling
>> one thing to load and the kernel was trying to load something else.  I'm
>> sure it was a nice fight.
> The principal reason I'm not using dracut:
> * sys-kernel/dracut
>     Available versions:  ~014-r2!t ~017-r1!t ~017-r2!t ~017-r3!t
> ~018!t {debug device-mapper dracut_modules_biosdevname
> dracut_modules_btrfs dracut_modules_caps dracut_modules_crypt
> dracut_modules_crypt-gpg dracut_modules_dmraid
> dracut_modules_dmsquash-live dracut_modules_gensplash
> dracut_modules_iscsi dracut_modules_livenet dracut_modules_lvm
> dracut_modules_mdraid dracut_modules_multipath dracut_modules_nbd
> dracut_modules_nfs dracut_modules_plymouth dracut_modules_ssh-client
> dracut_modules_syslog net selinux}
>     Homepage:            http://dracut.wiki.kernel.org
>     Description:         Generic initramfs generation tool
> None of the versions have been marked stable. Genkernel, on the other hand, 
> has.

That makes almost no sense. You say that you are planning on using an
initramfs because "udev >= 181 will eventually hit stable". That for
sure will *not* happen *before* dracut hits stable.

I would try dracut. Besides, as I said in another similar thread, an
initramfs is one of the most secure things to prove: you add a new
entry in grub-legacy/GRUB2, and try to boot. Doesn't work? Get back to
your previous entry.

Dracut depends on udev-164; everything else on its depend list is
stable, I believe. Try it, and if doesn't work easily, go back to

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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