On Mon, 14 May 2012 17:26:44 +0200
"Michael Scherer" <a6702...@unet.univie.ac.at> wrote:

> in my opinion it isn't. with top posting I see the newest message
> immidiately, while otherwise I need page through sometimes
> huge amounts of mostly obsolete comments.
> where it's possible, I put my messages on top, and I've found
> more than once forum-rules that require or at least recommend
> top posting.
> but I garantee that I will get flames, why I do this and urge me
> to change my habits.
> obviously this is an ingrained habit on gentoo-users, but from
> now on I'm going follow my habits and damn the flames.

That is rather rude and completely ignores the stated preference of
many other people who were here before you. They set the de-facto
standard, not you.

You are running the risk of being plonked which strikes me as being
silly. You post here to get good answers, not to be ignored.

Alan McKinnnon

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